WARA Public Safety

Research focusing on autonomy in public safety

WARA-PS is a research arena within WASP, the largest research program in Sweden ever. WARA- PS stands for “WASP Research Arena for Public Safety” and is a multi-domain arena to support research in collaborative systems for public safety.

Public safety and security research is of increasing interest and importance both nationally and internationally and requires new technical solutions that can showcase the advances in Autonomous Systems and Software research. WARA-PS explores and tests the use of collaborative heterogenous agents in public safety related scenarios, such as search and rescue missions at sea, by conducting searches, surveillance, and transportation of necessities.

AAM (Advanced Air Mobility) Regional Services (ART)

Advanced Air Mobility in and near cities

The project models advanced air mobility in and near cities (AAM) for regional services in three regions, to understand how services that use larger and smaller drones can be made possible. The project aims to support the introduction of AAM in an effective and harmonized way by providing knowledge with a high degree of realism and to activate regional and local competencies in the planning and implementation process of AAM. The project is managed by LFV and LIU.


Single European Sky ATM Research

From SESAR comes many deliverables and best practices that aim to harmonize and streamline operations including, technique, methods, tools and performance. For the AAM project in particular two ongoing project is of huge value.


How U-space services could support Urban Air Mobiltiy

CORUS-XUAM is a two-year very large-scale demonstration (VLD) project that will demonstrate how U-space services and solutions could support integrated Urban Air Mobility (UAM) flight operations. These services should allow electric vertical take-off and landing vehicles (eVTOL), unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) and other airspace users (unmanned and manned) to operate safely, securely, sustainably and efficiently in a controlled and fully integrated airspace, without undue impact on operations currently managed by ATM.


Supporting sustainable air mobility via emergency medical services

AiRMOUR is a research and innovation project supporting sustainable air mobility via emergency medical services. As the airspace opens up for new transportation systems, new forms of Urban Air Mobility (UAM), such as passenger drones, are gaining more attention. The EU-funded AiRMOUR project focuses on the research and validation of novel concepts and solutions to make urban air mobility safe, secure, quiet and green, yet also more accessible, affordable and publicly accepted. The project will test both manned and unmanned drones in real-life conditions in 2023.


Human AI teaming Knowledge and Understanding for aviation safety 

HAIKU aims to deliver and study mature prototypes of AI Digital Assistants for the aviation domain to derive comprehensive human factors design guidance and methods on how to develop safe, effective, and trustworthy Digital Assistants for Aviation.